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The Future of GhostszMusic

First of all I would like to apologize to all of our fans, friends, family and supporters for being silent for the last couple months but in the background I have been trying to get some major things done. We will be discussing and talking about what is the plan going forward.So with no further […]

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What Does It Mean to Run a Business?

This question “What does it mean to run a business?”, This is a question that I hear a lot all over the internet. This is just the begin to a bigger thought process and questions you should start asking. In this entry, we will start discussing this question and start to dig deeper into what […]

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The Problem with Business and Mobile Payment Solution

The other day I went into a Target store and wanted to pay for my items. I waiting in line and asked the lady before she started to scan my items if the store supported Android Pay. She didn’t know and asked the manager. I then was told no because Target is trying to create […]

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Indie Developer Business Plan

When creating a business as an indie developer is one of the most important things that you would ever have to do. This business plan has the power to elevate you to reach the level of success that you have dreamed about. This business plan will become your lifeline and needs to hold with great […]

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World Def’er

World Def'er (Pronounced World Defender) is a retro-inspired space shooter. You must man a ship and defend the planet from evil alien invaders.

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Did Playcrafting Go Horribly Wrong?? | GhostszMusic

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Our Mission

Prepare your Rockets

Protecting one world at a time!

array(10) { ["icon_1"]=> string(97) "" ["title_1"]=> string(13) "Mobile Gaming" ["desc_1"]=> string(70) "Crafting high quality games using the power of imagination and wonder." ["link_text_1"]=> string(0) "" ["link_1"]=> string(0) "" ["icon_2"]=> string(90) "" ["title_2"]=> string(6) "Coding" ["desc_2"]=> string(61) "Helping other developers through our experience and mistakes." ["link_text_2"]=> string(0) "" ["link_2"]=> string(0) "" }
Mobile Gaming

Crafting high quality games using the power of imagination and wonder.


Helping other developers through our experience and mistakes.

We are an Indie Studio trying to create games that our former selves would be proud of.