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I Want to Thank You All

After all this time I feel like it’s time to finally and wholeheartedly say thank you. This post is about you all and explaining why I am giving you all thanks. So let’s get started and begin.

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Building a RESTful API with WordPress

Building a RESTful API with WordPress has to be the most difficult process ever conceive. However, once you figure it out it then becomes the greatest and more powerful tool in your arsenal.

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Tips for Developing Mobile Games

When developing for mobile games the key is keep it simple and small. Mobile games are like mini games, they’re only good in small blasts nothing more. This is very reflective of the player retention and player base.

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Why social matters for game development

As a developer one of the most valuable assets at our fingertips is visibility. The more eyes we have on our projects we can start to gauge the excitement and plan accordantly. This is why we must start mapping out how we want to tackle our social branding, marketing, and reach from day one. Without […]

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How to Build Themes in WordPress

When building a theme in WordPress you must keep in mind what you want this theme to do. With this theme, you can accomplish anything that you want or/and need. It’s just what you want to do with it is where you would like to start planning out. For right now we will just go […]

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Is Blogging Truly Dead?

Blogging in this day and age can be a bit scary due to the fact that more and more video blogging site like YouTube is taking over. Which can seem like the traditional blog is dead. However, despite this, I believe that it still alive. So let’s get into it.

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Our Mission

Prepare your Rockets

Protecting one world at a time!

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Mobile Gaming

Crafting high quality games using the power of imagination and wonder.


Helping other developers through our experience and mistakes.

We are an Indie Studio trying to create games that our former selves would be proud of.