After all this time I feel like it’s time to finally and wholeheartedly say thank you. This post is about you all and explaining why I am giving you all thanks. So let’s get started and begin.
I have been on this journey to complete my mobile game, World Def’er. This journey has been a rock 3 and a half year battle to the finish line. I have given it my all and even though I have hit my lowest and believed that I would be able to complete it. At times when I thought that all was lost and even when I failed to meet deadlines. Yes, this is most importantly talking about YouTube. Which I would like to apologize for the neglect.
Throughout all of this, you have held me down. You all stood by me and made me want to continue and finish. Without you all, I don’t think I would be able to finish World Def’er. I am truly glad and grateful to have you all come with me on this journey. You all are the reason I continue working this hard.
To let you all know what is going on and what will be happening over the next coming months. I’m currently and slowly going through a totally rebranding. If you have noticed that my YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other social media accounts have a new coat of paint. I am still adding new thumbnails and descriptions to all my content to reflect this new branding idea. Once I am closer to catch up on some other backend things, I am going to come back to YouTube. I know that a lot of the time I have given empty promises about the YouTube channel but this time is completely different due to the fact that I am currently working on some new videos.
Now for the rest of social media and how are they changing? I am now going to step my up game. If you haven’t noticed on Twitter and Instagram I have been slowly getting more into business topics and not spamming my account like a personal user. I am going to continue this trend until I can completely transition into a fully blown business account. My SnapChat is going to go through the same change as well. I will start posting more business like and end the personal like post. I am trying to bring you the best content possible to my ability. This way I only bring you the best and forget the rest.
So now that I have gotten all this off my chest. I again want to thank you all for the time and support that you all have shown me. I love you all and just want to provide you the best. So I will see you next week for the next one.
We are an Indie Studio trying to create games that our former selves would be proud of.