Drag and Drop VS Scripting for Indie Developers | GhostszMusic
Read MoreTo properly answer this question we first must answer what a sponsor/sponsorship is. Sponsors are a form of advertisement that two parties enter to have the first party then starts to showcase the product or service. Now that we have this definition we can dive right into this topic.
Read MoreNow that I have been a Developer for about 4 months I would like to share my experience and feelings with you all. I truly wanted to write this after my first month but time started to escape me. Now that I have the time to write it out here we go.
Read MoreThis question “What does it mean to run a business?”, This is a question that I hear a lot all over the internet. This is just the begin to a bigger thought process and questions you should start asking. In this entry, we will start discussing this question and start to dig deeper into what […]
Read MoreIn this day and age the power of working remotely is the key to any small business or business in general. When you can take care of customer service or just fix an issue from a remote location, you will be able to succeed from beyond the competition.
Read MoreSo recently their has been tons of articles about the destruction of family finances because of this pledge. Loop boxes and microtransactions have been seemingly not being kept in check and need to be stopped. Companies like EA (Electronic Arts), Activision/Blizzard, and even Ubisoft have been going mad with microtransaction fever over the last couple of years. Which now is hurting the lives of millions of people.
Read MoreProtecting one world at a time!
We are an Indie Studio trying to create games that our former selves would be proud of.