Preventing Burnout as a Software Engineer

As software engineers experience burnout from many things. So today we need to discuss how burnout happens and what can you do to prevent and avoid getting burnout. Before we go over these tips and preventative measures, we need to keep in mind that burnout happens to everyone.

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • December 21, 2020


The Future of GhostszMusic

First of all I would like to apologize to all of our fans, friends, family and supporters for being silent for the last couple months but in the background I have been trying to get some major things done. We will be discussing and talking about what is the plan going forward.So with no further […]

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • March 26, 2020


The State of Loot Boxes/Microtransactions

So recently their has been tons of articles about the destruction of family finances because of this pledge. Loop boxes and microtransactions have been seemingly not being kept in check and need to be stopped. Companies like EA (Electronic Arts), Activision/Blizzard, and even Ubisoft have been going mad with microtransaction fever over the last couple of years. Which now is hurting the lives of millions of people.

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • August 7, 2019


Why Games as Services will Fail!

When it comes to the game industry is starting to move to games as a service model and today we have to discuss it.

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • January 16, 2019


World Def’er Update 3

Finally, it’s time to update you all about World Def’er!

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • December 28, 2018


Drag and Drop VS Scripting for Indie Developers | GhostszMusic

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • July 18, 2018


We are an Indie Studio trying to create games that our former selves would be proud of.