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Mega Man In C++

This Mega Man from Capcom‘s Mega Man series was design as a school project.

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Unity’s New Input System is Amazing

Over the last couple of days, I have been working on some test projects in Unity. Mainly to better understand Unity’s new input system. If you didn’t know Unity has created a new input system that simplifies Input for all control types. Meaning that the same input you would use for Xbox would work if you configured it for mobile very easily and effortlessly. Which is amazing for us developers!

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How to Create Jaw-Dropping Blog Post

Creating jaw-dropping blog post is what some would call a work of art. It takes patience, determination and practice. I really do mean practice and tons of it. Just like the Romans, it can’t be built in just one day.  

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Is Blogging Truly Dead?

Blogging in this day and age can be a bit scary due to the fact that more and more video blogging site like YouTube is taking over. Which can seem like the traditional blog is dead. However, despite this, I believe that it still alive. So let’s get into it.

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Great Development Tools for Software Engineers

When you are starting your software engineering career or a veteran you can gain a lot from this list. These tools for the workflow that I have allows me to utilize my time and coding speeds to maximum efficiency. As a small business owner, I can see why everyone loves and wants these tools for […]

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Why Is Marketing So Effective?

Why marketing is so effective because it’s the bloodline of your business. I would say that it’s more important than the customers themselves. The reason for this is twofold. First is that without marketing customers won’t know what you have to offer or who you are. Secondly is that marketing allows you to continually attract […]

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Our Mission

Prepare your Rockets

Protecting one world at a time!

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Mobile Gaming

Crafting high quality games using the power of imagination and wonder.


Helping other developers through our experience and mistakes.

We are an Indie Studio trying to create games that our former selves would be proud of.