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Why I Fell Out of Love with Pokémon Go

Why I fell out of Love with Pokémon Go is simple but It’s a lot deeper than what some may believe. So first let us go back to the beginning of why I fell in love with this game in the first place.

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Kanokon: The Girl Who Cried Fox Review

Warning: This will have mild spoilers and if you don’t like 400 yr old spirit who like little boys. Then this anime is not for you.

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Did Playcrafting Go Horribly Wrong?? | GhostszMusic

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Drag and Drop VS Scripting for Indie Developers | GhostszMusic

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Failure is an Entrepreneur’s Best Friend

So when I was growing up I wanted to be a entrepreneur and there was a specific ad that I was addicted to.

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World Def’er Update #2

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the second update for my game World Def’er. It’s been quite a while since the last update so let me get you up to speed.

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Our Mission

Prepare your Rockets

Protecting one world at a time!

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Mobile Gaming

Crafting high quality games using the power of imagination and wonder.


Helping other developers through our experience and mistakes.

We are an Indie Studio trying to create games that our former selves would be proud of.