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The Lab

The Lab is a game where you must help your fellow workers to get the correct parts to fix the customers device. The goal is to fix as many devices as fast as possible.

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The State of Loot Boxes/Microtransactions

So recently their has been tons of articles about the destruction of family finances because of this pledge. Loop boxes and microtransactions have been seemingly not being kept in check and need to be stopped. Companies like EA (Electronic Arts), Activision/Blizzard, and even Ubisoft have been going mad with microtransaction fever over the last couple of years. Which now is hurting the lives of millions of people.

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What Does It Mean to Run a Business?

This question “What does it mean to run a business?”, This is a question that I hear a lot all over the internet. This is just the begin to a bigger thought process and questions you should start asking. In this entry, we will start discussing this question and start to dig deeper into what […]

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Letter to the Community

In this new year blog update, GhostszMusic expresses wishes for a great 2024 after the challenges of 2023. They apologize for their absence, attributing it to behind-the-scenes issues, and announce a renewed focus on content creation. The main highlight is a commitment to doubling and tripling down on video creation, with a plan to overcome challenges in managing long-form content due to time commitments. The author plans to schedule podcasts and videos, potentially incorporating livestreams for community engagement. Short-form content will be shared on TikTok and YouTube. A website overhaul is announced to centralize all content, making it the primary resource for their creations and ensuring accessibility. The author emphasizes the website as the future hub for their work, similar to game studios, with plans for ongoing improvements.

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Learning Game Development and Supporting Small Businesses | Coding Bits Podcast

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Cheers to 2012

Just wish for the new year.

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Our Mission

Prepare your Rockets

Protecting one world at a time!

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Mobile Gaming

Crafting high quality games using the power of imagination and wonder.


Helping other developers through our experience and mistakes.

We are an Indie Studio trying to create games that our former selves would be proud of.