Update – 10/13/17
  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • October 13, 2017


Today I have a lot to update you all on the website. The site is about to go through a massive update over the next couple of weeks. This update with help with speed, and performance. I can guess the next question will be will new content stop because of these updates? And I would have to reply will no content will continue to come at the same rate as always.

What will be changing?

The biggest change is how media will be uploaded and streamed on the site. I’m going to remove media from files to become blobs to help save data and increase load time speeds. Also, this we help will profile image uploads and other uploads for user feeds.

Also, these latest changes with allowing access for the game to better interact with your data and leaderboards, badges, and other features. All features will be highly important to future proof all our platforms.

Social Sign in/Signups

I will be added a couple of new permissions for your accounts. These permissions will be allowing posting/sharing. I want to encourage you all to share content that you love with the ones you love.

Also, I will be adding something cool for all the people who added social to their accounts. Not to worry if you have set it up yet. In these new update, I will be adding user profile editing for you to be able to add those account to your account. More news about what these features will unlock will be coming out soon.

World Def’er

Currently, World Def’er has been put to the side so I can finish features for the site that are important for the game. As soon as these features are finished and up and running I will be putting development back up.

So, we that all these updates and the amount of work that will be starting up. I would just like to take the time and thank you all for being patient with me. So, I will see you next week with new content.

Peace out!!

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