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Why social matters for game development

As a developer one of the most valuable assets at our fingertips is visibility. The more eyes we have on our projects we can start to gauge the excitement and plan accordantly. This is why we must start mapping out how we want to tackle our social branding, marketing, and reach from day one. Without […]

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The Lab

The Lab is a game where you must help your fellow workers to get the correct parts to fix the customers device. The goal is to fix as many devices as fast as possible.

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Unboxing Of My Nintendo Platium Gift

I know that it has truly been a while since my last video but I’m back. I am going to try to make more video. Also tomorrow a new video will be up. Well this is all till next time.

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Are Square Enix Enemies of Fans?

For years I truly never wanted to talk about this topic but Square Enix has been pushing my limits close to break. Over the years I have been with them through the highs and lows. At one time I regarded them as much as my love for Nintendo.

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Drag and Drop VS Scripting for Indie Developers | GhostszMusic

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A New Beginning

It’s time for a new beginning after the small hiatus from the HOVakaGOD and I return with the GhostszMusic. This channel is all about creating a place where gaming and entertainment can live in harmony. I truly want to create highest quality videos for you all, the fans.

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Our Mission

Prepare your Rockets

Protecting one world at a time!

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Mobile Gaming

Crafting high quality games using the power of imagination and wonder.


Helping other developers through our experience and mistakes.

We are an Indie Studio trying to create games that our former selves would be proud of.