Update – 10/13/17

Today I have a lot to update you all on the website. The site is about to go through a massive update over the next couple of weeks. This update with help with speed, and performance. I can guess the next question will be will new content stop because of these updates? And I would […]

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • October 13, 2017


What Does It Mean to Run a Business?

This question “What does it mean to run a business?”, This is a question that I hear a lot all over the internet. This is just the begin to a bigger thought process and questions you should start asking. In this entry, we will start discussing this question and start to dig deeper into what […]

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • September 29, 2017


The Problem With Contract to Hire Positions?

Before I created my own company I began to notice some problems with the contract to hire roles that I was being offered. These problems are in my opinion some of the absolute worse parts of the job market at this moment. So let’s just dive into it. The Problem Before I dive into some […]

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • July 28, 2017


Is Blogging Truly Dead?

Blogging in this day and age can be a bit scary due to the fact that more and more video blogging site like YouTube is taking over. Which can seem like the traditional blog is dead. However, despite this, I believe that it still alive. So let’s get into it.

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • June 16, 2017


Are Sponsorships Really That Bad?

To properly answer this question we first must answer what a sponsor/sponsorship is. Sponsors are a form of advertisement that two parties enter to have the first party then starts to showcase the product or service. Now that we have this definition we can dive right into this topic.

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • June 2, 2017


I Want to Thank You All

After all this time I feel like it’s time to finally and wholeheartedly say thank you. This post is about you all and explaining why I am giving you all thanks. So let’s get started and begin.

  • user-image

    By Steven Ghost Rivera

  • May 26, 2017



We are an Indie Studio trying to create games that our former selves would be proud of.